Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


"The Home of the Throwed Roll!"

That was the location of our wonderful dinner tonight! :) I know that the majority of my blog posts have included food recently...but that is because we have had some AWESOME meals!

The location of our dinner tonight was a building that resembled both a Cracker Barrel and a restaurant that I talked about when we were in Weston - Jackson's. The restaurant was adorned in old-fashioned/rustic things and the food was in a typical 'homemade' style. I had a delicious piece of meatloaf, a baked potato, some green beans, some tomato/macaroni mix, and - the most important part - a couple of throwed rolls!

This was honestly the best part of the meal. The employees walked around with a bunch of different sides that you could choose from, on top of the sides that come with your meal. There was black eyed peas, fried okra, the tomato/macaroni mix, some fried potatoes, and then...the rolls! They would walk out of the kitchen every couple of minutes and let out a yell of "HOOOOT ROLLLLSSS!" Out of nowhere, everyone's hands would shoot in the air and the server would start chucking rolls across the dining room! It was the hit of the night and I am pretty sure that we saved every roll that came our way! Can't waste pure goodness! :)

Other than dinner, today was a pretty typical day on the course....nothing too exciting to report. As for my evening, it is time to get off the computer and lay in bed and catch up on my Olympic coverage! :)

Hope everyone has a great night!!! :)

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