Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Set-Up and Rockies!

Today was our set-up day to prepare for the tournament rounds that will be occurring the rest of the week. We started off at 6 am this morning by hitting the course and setting some hole locations out in front of the member play. After completing the hole locations, we unpacked our trailer and began setting up Headquarters and Ops HQ.

To round out our morning tasks, Camille and I prepped all of the banners and put them up while the boys filled all of the sand bottles, buckets, and tent bags. While they delivered all of these items around the course, Camille and I cleaned coolers so that we could head to lunch. After a quick lunch, we were back to work putting out POP frames, trash/recycling bins, and staking/roping off areas. After a hard day of work and really pushing to get things done, we were able to leave about 3:30 this afternoon and heading back to our host families to get ready for our big adventure this evening!

We headed out about 4:45 or so to catch the Colorado Rockies v. San Francisco Giants game in Denver this evening. We had seats that were in the outfield, just off of the left field line, and 22 rows up! It was a great view of the game and it was a BEAUTIFUL night for baseball! :) Here is our view:

Our schedule for the rest of the week is pretty relaxing compared to a lot of other tournaments and I am really looking forward to spending some quality time with my teammates before we all head for home at the end of the week. Tomorrow starts our relaxation time as we will begin our day at the course at 11:30 am! Time to get some sleep and take advantage of our sleep-in day! Night all!!

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