Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So...biggest news of the day: WE GOT TO BRING HOME HUTCH AND TANK!!!! :) For those of you who are just tuning in now, these are our team's two pick-up trucks that we will get to drive to each of our tournaments for the next 3-4 weeks! The best part of bringing home the trucks is that we were able to go to Target and Wal-Mart and see that the real world is still out there! And, we are able to drive ourselves to and from work everyday as well.

While that was the big news of the day, I am also pleased to report that Camille (our lovely teammate from California) has really improved on her geography over the last few days! This is a big step up and the whole team is very proud of her! :)

As for our activities today, we started off the morning by learning about the AJGA's Pace of Play (POP) rules and procedures and then more, in-depth rulings that we will more than likely be making over the summer. This session lasted from about 7-11 and then we were able to break for lunch. After lunch, our two Communications interns (Sydney (Brunie) and Sydnee (SMack)) were able to head out and do all of the fun driving stations that the rest of us took part in yesterday. It seems like they had a really good time and that everyone is becoming more and more comfortable with the vehicles that we are driving.

The Operations interns (myself and 5 other individuals) were able to head out to the golf course and spend the afternoon outside in the sun. We learned a lot about how to mark golf courses (hazards, OB, etc.) and then how to set the hole locations and tee markers in the mornings. This was a fun activity and we were able to drive golf carts around ALL afternoon! So much fun to apply everything after spending all of our time learning the basics in the basement!

Also, I just have to say (and I know most of you are reading this...) but Team 3 is the best team out there! The people on the team are just awesome and I LOVE spending all of my time with them! I couldn't ask for a better group this summer and I can't wait for the next 11+ weeks!! :)

Oh, and let's see if they are reading this (ahemmm Chris, Josh and Alex), but I am spending my summer with the 3 Stooges! I am right at home with the three guys on Team 3...let's see...we have two that wear hats 24/7, they are all SUPER sarcastic and enjoy taking every opportunity to make fun of all of us, and you can't take them anywhere without at least one of them wandering away and getting distracted by random things! lol

But...I had better head to bed for the evening. Another long (but fun-looking) day of training tomorrow!! Hard to believe that at this time next week Team 3 will be on location for our first tournament in Alabama! :) Time is already flying by!!!

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