Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Well today was another day full of training and fun for Team 3! We started off the day by driving ourselves to work...which was an awesome feeling after all of the shuttle rides we had received since IRW occurred back in March.

When we arrived to headquarters (HQ), there were 6 different stations that we rotated through all morning...definitely better than sitting in the basement all morning! At these stations we learned about the weather/radio systems that we will use on the golf course, reviewed how to set-up break down the different tents and signage that we will be using, the materials in our OPS trunk, how to train volunteers and the tasks they will be completing, how to time players on the course, and different scenarios that we may encounter in terms of weather delays. There was a ton of information offered up during these 5 hours or so, but it was great to get to interact with all of the materials that we will be using and all of the full-time staff members that we will be working with throughout the summer!

After this, we got to eat lunch! The meals just keep looking better and better! Good thing I am going to be really active this summer...otherwise my eating habits may become a problem!! haha

After lunch, the team split up to learn about our individual roles that we will be taking on. I am the Sponsorship Captain for Team 3, meaning that I will be working with the Communications Interns to make sure that all of the banners, signs, gifts, and other sponsor-related things are taken care of at each tournament. This is going to be a big task at some of our larger tournaments that are coming up this summer...should be an interesting task!

After these stations, the team worked together to finish taking inventory of all of our materials and then we were able to go outside and learn how to start/score players outside. It is amazing to see how precise the tents and other set-up procedures are for the starting of players. Who knew that much thought went into all of the placements?! Other than that, we learned about the AJGA Code of Conduct and some other miscellaneous information today. For dinner, we went to Stonewall's BBQ...this was REALLY good and one of the better (and bigger) pulled pork sandwiches that I have ever had! Definitely recommend it!!

As for tomorrow, IT IS PICTURE DAY! This means that we get to wear our first set of uniforms (even if it is only for an hour or so...) and we will finally have a team picture that I can put up! Hopefully I will start to introduce you to each of  my teammates over the next couple of posts, just as soon as I have a downloadable picture! Hope that everyone is doing well...I am headed to bed to prepare for a whole day on the course tomorrow!

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