Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tournament #1 is in the books!

Well..this is it! Our training is basically over and we are hitting the roads in just over 24 hours!

Today was the final round of the tournament and I spent most of my day following a group of great juniors as they worked their way around the golf course with some awesome scores! Today was a shotgun format, so we were on the course a bit longer, but it was still a beautiful day! I also was able to work with the rules official a couple of times and learned even more about the particulars of the rules of golf! 

To back track a little bit, we were at the course about 5:45 this morning and it was off to the races to get all of our assignments done before the shotgun start at 8 am. I was on the crew that was in charge of checking/fixing all of the banners and stake/rope throughout the course. We were able to finish our tasks pretty quickly and the whole team worked really hard. This hard work was rewarded with the fact that we were able to start the round 5 minutes EARLY...I would say that is pretty darn good! :)

After the round, we were each responsible for scoring our own groups and then completing various tasks. Since I am the Sponsorship Captain, I was able to learn about all of the tasks that I will get to complete at the end of each final round. I am responsible for prepping the Champions for their acceptance speeches, completing a video interview with each of the Champions, recording the awards ceremony, and ensuring that everything is prepared for the communications staff during this time. I can already tell that I will really enjoy these responsibilities due to the interaction with both the juniors and their parents!

After the Awards Ceremony was complete, the entire operations staff worked together to break down the golf course and combine the materials with our inventory that we have received for the summer. This was quite the task, but I am pretty sure that we got it done! After this, we had some dinner and then we were able to leave about 6 pm or was great to have an early night! 

My team headed off to Wal Mart to collect some miscellaneous items that we all needed before we hit the road on Wednesday. It was quite the adventure and led to some great laughs, as always! Since we returned to the hotel, I have spent my evening catching up with people and Skyping away! It is great to hear from people back home and all about what they are up to! 

I am off to bed now, going to enjoy some extra sleep since we don't have to be at work until 8 is sleep in day!!! :D (never thought I would consider getting up at 7 to be sleeping in...but I will take what I can get!!)

Hope everyone is doing well..check in tomorrow for one last post from Georgia! :) 

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