Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tournament Round #1...and many more to go!

Today was the day! Everything that we have learned over the last week came into play as our tournament began this morning. Each of the 48 interns were paired with another individual from our teams as we followed one group around the golf course the entire day. While this is not the method that we will be using when we get on the road, it was a great  first step and bonding experience within the teams.

To start off the morning, we all met at HQ to eat a quick breakfast at 6 am. From here, all of the different teams completed their morning assignments to prepare the course for the first tee time at 7:30. Team 3 was in charge of setting the tees and checking the hole location (holos) for holes 7-12. Once we completed everything, we headed back to the 1st tee to complete equipment surveys with each of the juniors before we started the round.

Jake and I were paired together and we followed 3 of the junior boys! It was a ton of fun to get to know the guys in our group and their parents/spectators as well. This group was an ideal group and there were very few timing or rulings issues throughout the day. Jake and I each took turns listening to different channels on the radio and were able to learn a great deal about other rulings that were occurring on the course.

After the round, our team spent quite a while filling divots and fixing ball marks before we ate Stonewall BBQ again. It was still just as good as last time! :) After dinner, we hosted a cornhole tournament for the juniors and hung out with them while filling divots on the driving range (this is also known as a Care for the Course Party)! Once again, it was fun to hang out with the juniors, even though we were all exhausted after a long day of walking the course.

Finally, we spent the last few hours on the course setting up different tents and other items for tomorrow's shotgun start at 8 am. It was a long 14 hour day at the course, but it went by really fast - and that is a good thing!

I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow....but with that, I am off to bed! It is another pre-5 AM wake up time again! I think I may be a morning person by the end of the summer. (yeah right....who am I kidding?!)

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