Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MERRY CHRISTMAS (in May)!!!!!! was quite a day...I don't know where to start.....

7:15 AM - We loaded the shuttles to head over to the AJGA Headquarters for the day.
approximately 8:15 AM - We arrived at AJGA Headquarters

Yes...what is normally a 5 minute drive turned into a hour long adventure full of circles and standing traffic due to a large accident on the interstate. Traffic had been re-routed right past our hotel and created a mess. But, at least we made it safe and sound!

The rest of the morning we spent our time learning about the different vehicles that AJGA has and the specific ones that we will be driving for the summer. In general, each team has one pick-up tuck, a trailer, and then a Yukon that we use to move all of our equipment from one tournament to the next. Our team has a special circumstance as we are starting off the summer with two pick-up trucks ("Hutch" and "Tank"). This is due to the fact that we will be getting the newest Yukon once it arrives from California! This switch will more than likely occur when we come back to Georgia for a tournament in a couple of weeks!

After lunch, myself and the other 5 operations staff members headed out to driving school, where we got to learn a LOT about how to prepare, drive, and inspect the different pieces of equipment and vehicles. During this time, I learned how to hitch a trailer, back a trailer into a parking spot, drive a pick-up truck/trailer, drive the Yukon, inspect different parts of the vehicle (under the hood, lights, frame, etc.), and change the tire of a trailer!! Pretty good for a couple of hours and NO previous knowledge about cars whatsoever!

These hours were filled with a ton of fun and laughs between the team members...we learned some more geography, about the proper use of the name "Waffle House," what to say when a light turns get the picture!! :)

Also, today we learned where we will all be going when we have to split up in a couple of weeks....and I will be headed to the very northern part of Michigan! I am really excited as I am sure that the scenery will be beautiful and I can't wait to say that I have been to another different state! Also, Kyle and Camille will be travelling with me...I am sure that will lead to some great adventures!!

And, here is the link that has the information about our first tournament...we found out that we are leaving on Wednesday morning. So, as of tomorrow....we only have 1 more week of training! Crazy to think about!!!

Oh!!! WOW!!! I almost forgot the most important part of this blog (and the reason for today's title)!!!
We received all of our uniform parts today!! We each got 6 shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, two pairs of tennis shoes, sunglasses, a hat, a pullover/zip-up, and a rain suit. While I only have a picture of what the girls got, please take a look below! This was probably one of the coolest parts of the was literally like watching almost 50 excited kids opening their presents on Christmas morning! Now we just can't wait to start wearing them this weekend!! :)

With that, I hope that everyone has had a great day - I know that I have - and I plan to check-in again tomorrow! It is an even earlier morning I am off to bed!


  1. We are definitely having fun...but the real craziness will start with our first tournament this weekend! Hope you are having a great start to your summer!
