Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Food, Food, and More Food!

Well today was our first "real" day on the course!

We started off our morning by going to the course that will be hosting the Qualifier round on Sunday. We rode the golf course and got a feel for what we would be marking and officiating over the next few days. After riding the course, we split up into two different groups to mark the course - our group had the 9 holes with a thousand different hazards, while the other group had a TON of out of bounds!

After we finished marking the course, it was time to head to Panera for lunch! This was a welcome break from being outside and I was super excited to eat my first chicken noodle soup bread bowl in about a month...this was a BIG deal! :) haha

After lunch, we headed back to the Qualifier course to ride through the holes one more time and review the markings that the other groups had made. It was great to sit back and take in the scenery, while also getting to know the course that much better! Overall, our time at the Qualifier course was a ton of fun and there were some great laughs throughout the day!

Once we finished there, we headed over to Steelwood to trade out some of our equipment and put in a couple hours of work at the main tournament course for the week. When we arrived, we were greeted by our communications teammates - it was great to see them :) - and then we proceeded to go and unpack the trailer to find our supplies for the next few projects. Once we rounded up the paint, stencils, buckets, and a few other miscellaneous items, we headed out on the course to take a closer look at the markings that we will be working on tomorrow. Let's just say that we will be using a WHOLE LOT of red and yellow paint!!!

Our tournament director this week, Greenie, was nice enough to give us a couple of hours to relax before we headed to dinner! Some of us went and hung out by/in the pool, while others went for a run/walk, and others took a nap! It was great to have some time to just relax and hang out with the team members...these are the times that we will all remember the most! :)

For dinner, we headed to Ruby Tuesday where I had some great sirloin and a baked was a great end to an awesome day! Once we were all done eating, we decided to head over to a frozen yogurt shop known as MooChiChi's (or something along those lines!), which was sooooo good! And yes, I know that I can't have yogurt....but this place was awesome enough to have dairy-free options as well! That dessert was the best way to end our night!

Tomorrow, we are headed back to the qualifier course in the morning (assuming the rain stops!) and then back to Steelwood to work on marking all afternoon! I am sure it will be a hot and humid afternoon, but hopefully I will have the chance to snap a couple of pictures and get them all up for you guys tomorrow! Hope that everyone has a great night! :)

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