Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just Keep Marking, Marking, Marking....

That was the theme of the day!!

We started off today at 6:45 in the morning and headed over to the Qualifier Course. While we were there, we finished up our last couple of hazards and marked hole locations for Sunday's round. There were two groups that completed the holos, while the rest of the team worked on placing the AJGA stencils at 100, 150, 200, and 250 yards off the green on each of the holes. 

Once we completed these tasks, we headed off to Steelwood to begin marking our tournament course's hazards. This was a lot of work and took up A LOT of paint! We also got to see all kinds of nature today...alligators, 3 snakes (everyone's favorite :/), and lots and lots of mosquitoes! After marking for about 3 hours or so, it was time to head to lunch! Today we ate at Firehouse Subs, a great sandwich shop located not too far from our hotel. After lunch we headed back to the course to finish up the course markings and complete some other random tasks at the course. However, once we arrived, one of my teammates needed to go and get a bug bite checked out by the doctor. She and I headed out for a mini adventure and spent about an hour and a half or so at the doctor and filling prescriptions...we had a fun time (wish it was for a better reason) and enjoyed our quick break from the course. 

When we got back, the two of us were responsible for getting the tents and supplies out of the trailer to prepare for our next job. This turned into quite the maze and adventure as we worked our way through the hot trailer and just about got stuck multiple times! It was HOT and TIRING! But, the good news, we got it done! 

Once we had corralled all of the supplies, we headed down to number 18 and put up the scoring tent that we will be using after every round. This task was soo much easier than at training, as there were only two of us working on each tent! After tents, we headed back to our headquarters (HQ) for the week and helped the communications interns stuff some of the registration bags that the players will receive. After that, Comms was headed outside to take some pictures, so we decided to "help" them! It was fun to see what they do and enjoy some time on the dock and other picturesque locations around the clubhouse. 

Once everyone was done with their tasks, we headed out for the night and went to Cracker Barrel for dinner! It was great to have a "home-cooked" meal and enjoy time with the team! After that, we headed out for a bit of shopping before returning to the hotel for the night. My night was filled with catching up with family and favorite type of night! :) It is great to hear that everyone is having a great start to summer and really enjoying their internships, new businesses, and everything of the like! Keep it up and I can't wait to hear even more stories!! :)

So, with that, I have lots of pictures and I plan to take more tomorrow. However, it is way too late and I am more than ready for bed! I promise to upload some to Facebook or on here WILL get done sooner rather than later!! Have a great night! :)

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