Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh! So Alligators Are Like Squirrels?

I know I say this a lot...but WOW! Today was a very long and tiring day out at the golf course. Our morning started when we arrived about 6:30 or so and we finally finished everything up tonight about 8:30 or so. It was a long and hot 14 hours, but I think it was one of the most productive days of our summer so far!

When we arrived this morning, we began with our morning assignments as the players were beginning to arrive for their 9 am practice round. I had the task of roping off the putting green and tidying up that general area. Once that was finished, I helped Kyle move some coolers out onto the course and finish other various tasks.

One of  my main tasks was to help fill sand bags for both our tents and some special Rolex banners that we have up this week. This was a messy and grimy task, but Kyle and I were able to fill them all and move them throughout the course. Then, I was also assigned to stake and rope the other putting green. I headed out to this green and began to spray paint all of the rebar and pound them into the ground one at a time. As grueling as this can be (especially in this crazy hot Florida sun), I will say that it is one of my favorite tasks since I get to work on my own and just enjoy some "Megan-time" for awhile.

I also was able to help with registration after completing the rebar. This was a nice chance to sit in the air conditioning and re cooperate a bit before heading back outside to finish some more stake and rope projects. Stake and rope basically took up the rest of my afternoon - basically until a couple of hours before we left for the day. At this point, I was lucky enough to head out with Katie, our Assistant Tournament Director for the week and help mark the hole locations for tomorrow and other "break down" tasks on the golf course.

Basically, we spent most of the day today outside prepping things on the course for our first round tomorrow morning! I just found out that I am only following two groups, so that should be a great way to get to know the 6 players and their parents even better than I am used to! Can't wait to start and interact with all of these girls...they seem like a great group!

And finally, the title of this post. As we were driving home from dinner after we got off for the day, one of my teammates was asking about how the alligators got in the ponds on the golf course. We explained that they were here before we were and that we have built things all over their natural habitat. We also explained that they are able to cross roads and other obstacles to move towards water. After this explanation, she reasoned these explanations by one simple phrase: "Oh! So alligators are like squirrels?!" As lame as this may sound, it was probably the highlight (or at least the funniest part) of my entire day! All I can say is I love that girl....she keeps us all on our toes! :)

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