Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Short Day...Fun Night!

Today was our first day on the course for the Rolex Tournament of Champions in Alpharetta, Georgia this week!

We were lucky enough to start off our day with some sleeping in as we didn't have to be at the course until a little before 8. We started off the day by unloading the entire trailer and setting up both Tournament Headquarters (in the Pro Shop) and Operations Headquarters (in the cart barn). Once we had everything unloaded and situated, our team took a ride of the course to get a feel for the holes and the general layout. It was interesting to note that there were no bodies of water present and a WHOLE LOT of sand, especially after we have spent the last few weeks in Florida. This is definitely going to be a different type of golf than we have gotten used to!

Once we rode the course, we spent the rest of the morning and some of the afternoon putting up Rolex signage all around the course. This involved some heavy lifting, sand bag filling, transportation of very long Rolex signs, and other fun tasks! Luckily, after putting all of this up just a week ago, we had a much better idea of what to do and we were able to fly through the tasks. Once all of the signage was up, we finished out our day by putting up a couple of tents, staking some rebar, and painting the pairings box. While it was a busy day, it was nice to just worry about the signage and make sure that everything is prepped for tomorrow!

After we got done about 5, we headed back to our host families to shower and get ready to go eat at one of our teammate's house. Kyle's family lives not too far from where we are staying, so they were kind enough to have us all over for dinner and to hang out this evening. Thank you for all of the food and everything tonight....we had a ton of fun! :) Also, Sydney's family lives nearby too, so they were able to join us for dinner. It was really fun getting to meet their parents/siblings/family and enjoying some time with each other away from the golf course!

After dinner, I had the pleasure of picking up two teammates that we are gaining for the week. They are coming to us from Team 4 and I was able to shuttle them to their host houses for the week. It was quite an interesting drive, but I am glad that we made it and I am safely back in my bed! haha

With that, I am super excited that I have tomorrow (Sunday) off and I can't wait to spend it catching up on sleep, homework, errands, and all that fun stuff! I also hope to have the chance to catch up with people through Skype, phone calls, name it...before our crazy week starts! Hope everyone has a great night!

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