Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dance Moms and Swimming Olympic Trials!

Today was the first round of the tournament and it was definitely one crazy day!!

Due to the large number of competitors, we have a slightly different set up this week than we are typically used to. We have two separate waves of players out on the course and a two tee start within each wave. This means that we are all on the course multiple times throughout the day, but so far it really hasn't been as crazy as I thought it would be!

Today, I started off my morning by putting up tent tops, side panels, and putting out table skirts. I am pretty sure that this is the first time I have had that assignment all summer and it was nice to do something different! After those were finished up, I was able to take a couple of minutes and grab breakfast. I think that is the best part of our team this week - we have worked really hard every morning to get our assignments done...leaving time for almost everyone to sit down and actually eat....a luxury these days!! :)

After breakfast, it was time to hit the course and follow my two groups for the morning wave. It was a pretty uneventful round with all of my groups and it was great to watch these talented young ladies enjoy this course and what turned out to be a beautiful morning!

After finishing up with my groups, I only had a couple of hours left before I got off for the day. That's right! Camille and I were lucky enough to get off at 3 today...a solid 5 or so hours before everyone else! I spent those last few hours refilling coolers and bonding with all of the water and ice once again!

When 3 came around, Kiley came to pick Camille and I up and we headed back to our host family to enjoy a relaxing afternoon/evening. I spent a couple of hours watching the Swimming Olympic Trials and catching up on sleep before enjoying a nice dinner of noodles and beef stew that my host family made. It was great to eat something completely different...and I am sure that we will not be seeing that again for awhile!

Other than that, I have just been spending my time relaxing tonight - and catching up on Dance Moms! Gotta love how one TV show can make you feel like you are back in the real world again!!! Hope all is well! Miss everyone!!! :)

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