Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Short but Sweet...

It has been a really long day and I think I am starting to feel the effect of the really long days this week. So, this post is going to be real short!

This morning, my assignment was to help with equipment surveys. Basically, I spoke with each golfer and entered all of the different clubs/balls/gloves/clothes/bags/etc that each of the golfers use on a program on the Kindle. If you haven't caught on yet, I really enjoyed this task as I was able to interact with a lot of the juniors and really get to know some of them on a more individual basis.

Once I was done with the surveys, I roved the course for an hour or two helping out different rules officials who were watching more than one group on a red card. I then had the opportunity to work directly with the first two groups of girls that went off the first tee this afternoon. I had literally no problems this afternoon with rulings or first group was upwards of 25 minutes ahead of schedule at one point - that is nearly unheard of!

After my groups were done, it was time to start breaking down the course. I spent about an hour working on that before I headed down to our Care for the Course party. We worked on the driving range today and put sand in all of the divots. Just as we were finishing up, the ice cream truck showed up for the juniors and the staff! This was a nice reward at the end of a hot and long day!

After our ice cream break, it was back to cleaning up the course and preparing everything for tomorrow! We finally got everything done and left the course just before 9 tonight. Needless to say, we grabbed dinner to go and headed for home! I am off to bed as we have another early morning tomorrow....but then the formal Players' Dinner tomorrow night!! :)

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