Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Qualifier #1 is in the Books!

Well...we did it! We survived our first real tournament round and made it out in one piece! This was easily one of the craziest days that we have had so far, and I have been told they will only get crazier! I am I am going to try to sum this up as quickly as possible....

Our morning began when we pulled out of the hotel at 5:45 am. We headed straight to the Qualifier Course and got straight to work. Different people completed a whole range of tasks from banner maintenance to placing coolers to putting up tents and all of the small tasks that must be done before a 100 player field shotgun can occur at 8 am. During this time, I was in charge of setting the tees, taking down any extra tees, checking hole locations, removing stakes from the fairway, and putting up a couple of random signs on the last 9 holes for the day. I began this task right when we got to the course and worked right up until the juniors were released onto the course at about 7:50...those two hours were definitely a whirlwind!

Once those tasks were complete, it was time to play some golf! I was the rules official for 4 groups today and it was once again great to work with the juniors and chat with all of their parents! Those juniors kept me on my toes with some of their rulings and made sure that there was never a dull moment. The parents and family members were great spectators and it is awesome to think about the number of people that I met just today alone! As well, it is important to mention how awesome the volunteers were. They are so excited to be here and all but one have been coming back year after year. Their dedication to the tournament and the program is amazing. I can't wait to work with all of them over the next 4 days! :)

After the tournament round was over, we headed in to complete scoring and then headed out to breakdown the course. Once again, this all took place so quickly that it is hard to remember what even happened....not to mention it feels like that happened weeks ago at this point! Once everything was broken down, we headed over to Steelwood to do our final preparations for the arrival of the juniors tomorrow morning! I spent most of my afternoon hammering about 30 pieces of rebar into the ground and then roping the area around the practice green. I am going to be very surprised if I can still move my arms in the morning! lol

We finally left the golf course about 7 pm and headed to Panera for a quick dinner before staff meeting. It was great to take some time and hang out before discussing tomorrow and what we like to refer to as "Big Monday." (We have a practice round for all players starting with a shotgun at 8 am and finishing at 12:45...then, by 1:30, we are starting our Junior-Am where a large number of sponsors come and play the course and have the opportunity to play with one of the juniors in the tournament...while that is going on, we will also be holding registration and the player's/parent's other words, we won't be bored tomorrow!!) Once we were back at the hotel, we had our staff meeting and we have finally made it back up to our rooms and gotten everything packed and ironed for tomorrow. With that, I had better head to bed. I am struggling to type these last few sentences and I know that I will enjoy the "extra" sleep when my alarm goes off at 4:45 tomorrow morning! Night all!

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