Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, June 2, 2012



Well....we are ready to go...or at least I hope so!! Tomorrow is the Qualifier and our first official tournament round for the summer. I was just warned that my summer is going to fly by once tomorrow hits...and I can only imagine! We will have 5 tournament days every week and then 2 travel days....before we know it we are going to be in Colorado!

But first things first, it was a crazy busy day today! We began with another start time of 6:45 this morning as we headed out to Steelwood to complete some of the bigger tasks that needed to be finished before the practice round/Junior-Am on Monday morning. Myself, the assistant tournament director (Matt), and 3 of my teammates headed out on the course to set hole locations for all three tournament rounds and the Junior-Am. This took us all morning to complete while two others worked on putting up banners, cleaning coolers, and some other random tasks.

After we completed hole locations, it was time to head to lunch! Today we just ran down the street and ate a quick lunch at Arby's before we headed back to the course to finish up some projects at Steelwood. Back at Steelwood, we worked on putting up a couple more banners, finishing up our markings from yesterday and packing up the trailer to move to the qualifier course.

After all of this was done, we headed back to the qualifier course and worked for about 3 hours or so. In that time, 8 of us managed to construct and put out all of the trashcans/ recycling bins, put up the tents, put a bucket of sand on every tee box, fill 100+ plastic bottles with sand, unpack and fill 10 coolers with 3 1/2 cases of water, put up all of the banners/signage for the event, and pack/unpack/repack the trailer! It was an exhausting few hours but it was great to know that we got all of that done!

After finishing up for the day, we headed to Moe's, which is a "Mexican" restaurant that seems to be located in the Southeast-ish region. I had a great burrito and it was a nice change in pace in terms of food choices. After dinner, we headed back to the hotel and had our staff meeting for the night. We received our assignments for tomorrow's qualifier and it looks like we are all going to have one busy day! I am super excited to get started though and I am sure that tomorrow's post will contain some fun stories from our first tournament day. It is hard to believe that we are actually ready for this...wish us luck!

But, with that, I am off to bed! My alarm at 4:45 am is going to come way too quickly! Have a great night!

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