Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We are almost done....WHAT?!!?!

Hard to believe that tomorrow is our final day at Steelwood. It feels like we have been here forever and, quite honestly, I don't really need to leave! The people we have met and worked with over the last 5-6 days are just plain awesome and I now understand exactly why a large number of AJGA staff members were jealous that we were headed to Alabama for the first week of our summer! :)

As for today, we had the second round. I spent my morning following three different groups of girls and dealing with a couple of situations that were thrown our way. While it was a struggle, we were able to get everyone through the course and I was ready to start my afternoon assignments around 12. During the afternoon, I spent my time driving around the course passing out iced towels, bananas, apples, and water to all of the players. This we honestly one of my favorite activities that I partook in all week. I was able to talk with almost every player that was on the course, interact with parents, and even speak with some of the college coaches for a bit. It is fun to hear about where everyone is from and how they found the AJGA.

After the round of golf was over, we hosted our Care For the Course party on the driving range where we worked with about 15 juniors to fill all of the divots that were made over the last few days. During this activity, I was on camera duty and was able to take a bunch of pictures of both the juniors and the AJGA staff members in attendance. After the party, we headed down with about 15 juniors to take part in a "Closest to the Pin Contest." While activities like this are usually fun, this one was taken to a whole new level! We began by hitting the ball off of the dock over a lake that is approximately 135 yards wide and the winner was able to stick  it within 7 feet of the pin. The juniors really seemed to enjoy the activities and it is just sooo much fun to spend some time off the course with all of them!

This is a shorter post than normal, but I am headed to bed. We have another 4:25 wake-up time tomorrow....wish us luck!! :)

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