Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


After a long and eventful week #1, I can officially say that we have survived and crowned a champion at our first event! And that is one great feeling!

I started off my day with an extra 5 minutes of sleep! We didn't have to leave until 5:25 this morning and, as crazy as it sounds, that 5 minutes made a HUGE difference. Once we arrived at the course, I completed my morning assignments and then headed to the 1st tee as I was the announcer/starter for the first 3 hours worth of tee times. I know that I say this every day, but this was SO much fun! I enjoyed getting to know each of the players and even having a bit of fun while getting to know their personalities. This is really cool as we will more than likely be seeing a lot of these kids over and over as we travel throughout the summer.

Once I was done with my 3 hours worth of tee times, I began to follow my three groups. These groups were awesome and I had basically no rulings and no red cards distributed today. I would have to say that I was much more bored today than either of the last two days....but that may not be a bad thing either! In one of my guys groups that I was following, a junior was 5 under par through 16 holes. While he faltered a bit at the very end, it was still exciting to follow him and watch as he made a run for the championship position.

After my groups were completed and I had completed my time in the scoring tent, Alexis and I went over some of the sponsorship requirements that I am responsible for. These tasks include prepping the Champions for their acceptance speeches, videotaping an interview of each champion, and taping the entire awards ceremony. While we were doing this, it cam to our attention that a playoff would be necessary to determine the female champion. I helped to shuttle the players to the first tee and was lucky enough to get to watch the entire playoff between the two -- all 7 holes! This was a great match-up between two really good players and they were both able to make pars all around until that 7th hole, where one girl tapped in for a bogey and the other made a 5 foot, massively breaking putt. It was sooo much fun to watch and to get to know their parents and other golfers better during that hour or so!

After the playoff was over and the awards ceremony completed, it was time for me to help pack up the trailer! This was a monstrous task, but we were able to complete it in about 3 hours...even with the torrential downpours, lightning, thunder, and mass chaos! haha

Lucky for us, our TD Greenie, decided that it was another night of Mellow Mushroom (that was 3 times if you were counting) and we headed out from the course. This dinner was a nice hang out time as this group of 12 people won't be working together again this summer. :( It is going to be hard not having Alexis, Greenie, Matt, and Kurtis with us come tomorrow....but we will be meeting up with almost all of them throughout the summer and it will be great to catch up and swap stories then!

But, with that, we are hitting the road for Florida in the morning so I had better get some sleep! Next time you hear from me, I will be in the Florida sun!! :) Night all!

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