Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Packing Up and Heading Out!

Well today was our last day of the tournament...and our last day of Rolex events for the summer! Hard to believe that both of the invitational events are done, but I am really excited to take part in a bunch of the Open events the rest of the summer. It is also hard to believe that we headed out of the South and moving on towards the North/Midwest...but definitely have to say that I am excited to head back to my neck of the woods!! :)

As for today, it began just like every other round...minus the fact that our team 4 friends had already taken off for Arkansas. I was on cooler duty this morning and spent my time adding ice to a bunch of coolers out on the course. It was an absolutely beautiful morning out on the course and, as soon as I get a chance, I have  some pictures to prove it! :)

After finishing coolers, I headed out on the course with my groups. It was a pretty uneventful day as I was roaming with a threesome of boys and then two twosomes of girls. The round absolutely flew by and, before I knew it, it was time to start breaking down the course and packing the trailer! I spent a couple of hours breaking down the course while the playoff took place to determine the Girls' Champion. This was much less eventful than the 7 hole playoff that occurred during our first week, but still really exciting to follow!

After the awards ceremony and all of that were wrapped up, I headed off to the Atlanta airport with three of the junior golfers in tow. It was a fun trip, but took almost twice as long as it should have....definitely learned why people stay off the roads on a Friday afternoon! :) Round trip, I spent about 3 hours making my way about 90 miles or so. There were points that I probably could have parked the truck and been moving just as fast!! haha

Speaking of the trucks, I thought I should update everyone that we will not be receiving that awesome new Yukon that everyone has been raving about! It sounds like we will have the two pick-up trucks for the entire summer. Kinda disappointing since we had been looking forward to it since training....but we will make do!

Once I got back from the airport, it was time to load up the last couple of things into the bed of the truck and grab some dinner. It didn't really happen nearly as quickly as I just made it out to be...but the important part is that we got Panera for dinner...and it is Friday....Panera Friday anyone?!??! :)

Other than that, I am spending my night packing everything up once again so that we can hit the road by 7 am tomorrow! We are headed for Ohio tomorrow and then I will be flying up to Michigan sometime on Sunday. I will explain more tomorrow (once I know more details!), but for is time to fold laundry and head to bed! Enjoy one final 'goodnight' from Georgia!! :)

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