Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

REUNION!! I am breaking the are going to be lucky enough to hear from me twice in one day!!

This post is well worth it and was definitely the highlight of my day!

After I posted the last time, I found out that I would get to see some of our closest friends from Wichita this evening...while I am in Florida! :) It just happened that the Clouds flew into Ft. Lauderdale this afternoon and their drive to Marco Island would take them straight through my location in Weston. With a little planning, we were able to meet up at a WalMart not too far from where I am staying!

It was great to see a couple of familiar faces while I am out on the road! Thank you guys for stopping by and I hope that we can work something out when I am in Kansas City in July! Miss y'all and I hope that you have great weather and an awesome time at the beach over the next few days!! Enjoy it! :)

After meeting up with the Clouds, our Tournament Chairman this week took us out to eat at a restaurant called Wings Plus. It was really good and then we went as a team to get frozen yogurt...and they came through once again with dairy-free sorbet! Thank you to Dr. Heda for all of the food and treats this week! We have definitely been spoiled...guess it is back to the "real-life" when we leave tomorrow night!

Here is a picture of the team enjoying all of the froyo choices tonight.

I may be blogging tomorrow night from Orlando, depending on the weather of course! And soon, we will be right back where we started - Atlanta, Georgia! Stay tuned!

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