Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rain Delay! we are! It is currently 9:45 am here in Weston and we have been under a rain delay for just about 2 hours. It doesn't really look good right now, but hopefully we will make it back out there at some point! for now though, it is time to catch up on things that I have been trying to get done...get ready for some pictures at some point really soon!

As for my day, we started off early and Drew and I were responsible for the coolers this morning. Once those were all out, I was lucky enough to get to start the players on #10 tee. We were able to get the first 3 tee times off this morning before the rain delay hit...I will continue adding to this post throughout the day! Right now though, it is time to join everyone else and take a nap!

10:45 am - We are still sitting here and it is raining harder and harder! We will see how this goes...and apparently nap time is much for getting a picture of this nap time! haha

12 Noon - We are still here....and it is starting to flood! Here is a nice picture looking at #s 9 and 18.

We have all started cheering for the rain to continue at this point....otherwise it is going to be a long, long day! Oh, and now Jake is entertaining us with his "rain dance." I think it may be getting close to nap time for Team 3 once again!

2:00 pm - We were just awoken from our slumber and headed back to the course. There is not going to be any golf played today, so after a quick breakdown of the course we will be done for the day!

4:00 pm - We finally made it back home and are showered and getting ready for tomorrow already! It is crazy to think that I won't be doing all of this at 11 tonight! haha

Well I am off to get ready for dinner. This has been one crazy day - but really refreshing as well! Hope everyone back home is enjoying the heat!! I sent that just for y'all! :)

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