Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Tournament Has Hit the Ground Running!

Today was the first round of our tournament this week. Let's just begin by saying that we have the best of the best in terms of female golfers between the ages of 12 and 18 here in Florida with us this week! Today was just plain amazing as I got to watch all of the them play and just take in all of their amazing shots as well!

This morning started off early and Camille and I were responsible for all of the coolers and other "Operation Hydration" materials that were needed throughout the day. We spent some time driving out to all of the different holes to place ice in the coolers and ensure that there was plenty of water and fruit out on the course for the players and spectators. As soon as I was done with this, it was time to head out on the course with the two groups that I was following today. 

Nothing particularly exciting happened during the round, but I was fortunate to meet a lot of different college golf coaches from all around the country today! This was a cool experience and I hope to get to know even more of them as the week goes on! Once I was back in with my group, we spent the next couple of hours breaking down the golf course and completing other random tasks to prepare for Round #2 tomorrow!

While this was all going on, we were also hosting a cookout for the players and their parents in the clubhouse. During this time, the girls were all taking part in a Just Dance competition on the Wii. It was so fun to watch them all dance and to just see them having a ton of fun and relaxing even though we are at such a big event! :) 

Other than that, today was a pretty typical day out on the course and I am looking forward to tomorrow! I have my first day off since May 20th and I am super excited to have a little "Megan-time" and enjoy the local  beaches, shopping, and maybe some food somewhere in there too! Look forward to tomorrow's post as I hope to update you with all of the fun activities of the day....and some possible celebrities tomorrow night as well! Hope everyone is still having a great summer! :) 

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