Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Drive to Tampa?! OK! was another HOT day down in Florida! I can easily say that this was the hottest conditions that we have worked in all summer...and I am pretty sure that it is about to get even worse! I absolutely LOVE being warm, but sweating the minute you walk outside?! Not okay by me!!

Today, we spent most of our time finishing up tasks that need to be complete before the juniors arrive in the morning. We started off the morning by stenciling the golf course and putting down the different yardage markers. This was a ton of fun and a great way to start off the morning..not to mention that we got to see an alligator as well!

After stenciling was complete, Kyle and I headed out to run some errands for tournament product and other random odds and ends that we needed. What could have been a really easy trip quickly turned into a 2-3 hour affair. Let's just say that most WalMarts don't carry 90 cases of water and 60 cases of small G2 bottles on a regular basis! haha After rounding up what we could at WalMart, we headed to Target to get a couple of other things. We weren't able to get everything there either, so we headed to Staples to get one specific item. Then, we needed a video game for an activity one night at the course, so we headed to GameStop to pick that up. Then, we still needed stakes for course marking so we headed to Lowes. It was a crazy trip, but it was definitely nice to get away from the course for awhile, while still being super productive!

By the time we got back, it was time for lunch - and we went to SUBWAY!! :) I have never been so happy to eat a sub sandwich and enjoy one of my favorite restaurants! Once we got back to the course, it was time to unload those 90 cases of water and 28 cases of G2 that I mentioned earlier...that was one hot and exhausting activity! But, we got it done and I am happy to say that we shouldn't have to move it again!

Then, Kiley and I worked to put up the remaining banners and help finish up the course marking. I then got to go on my adventure for the day. I headed off to Tampa (about an hour away) to pick up two girls from Team 4, Rachel and Alyssa, who are joining us for the week! We are so excited for them to join us and for the help that they will be giving us over the next few days!

I can honestly say that I wasn't looking forward to driving by myself for an hour, but boy I was proven wrong! This view was AMAZING! There is no way to describe it, but basically I drove through the bay for the entire trip! The water was sooo blue and it was just an overall gorgeous sight! Also, I saw the Yankees Spring Training Stadium and Tropicana Field during my drive as well...always nice to throw in some sports highlights throughout my trips! :)

Once we got back to Bradenton, we grabbed some dinner and then it was time to head back and get ready for our practice round tomorrow! It is going to be one busy day and I can't wait to start meeting all of the girls who are here this week! I can already tell that it is going to be a blast! :)

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