Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 1 at The Concession Golf Club

All I can say is "WOW!" I know that I said this about our last course, but this is one of the most beautiful courses that I have ever seen! It is a very different set-up than Steelwood and is just what I would imagine for a golf course just off the coast in Florida. Every hole literally looks like it could be from a magazine....I can't wait to take some pictures and get them up!

This week, we are in Bradenton, Florida, at the Rolex Girls Junior Championship at The Concession Golf Club.  This is one of the biggest invitationals that AJGA hosts and there are some pretty spectacular guests in attendance - more about that in a minute!

We started off the day by dropping all of our clothes off at the dry cleaners to be washed for us during the day - never realized how happy I would be that I didn't have to do laundry at 10 or 11 pm some night this week! We then headed to grab some breakfast and then go check out the course. We arrived at the course about 10 am this morning and began by meeting some of the individuals that we will be working with from the club as well as taking a tour of their facilities...which are breathtaking!! After the tour, we headed out on the course to take a ride around and see each of the holes and get a feel for the different markings and assignments that we will be completing over the next day or two. At this point, we headed out to get lunch.

When we got back from lunch, Camille and I unloaded the entire trailer and started moving things down to our storage area while we waited for the guys and Kiley to get back from picking up our courtesy cars for the week. This was quite the task and we definitely got a workout carrying all of those things out of the trailer! At least some people were having fun at the pool and sending me pictures/texts all about know who you are!!!!

After we unloaded the trailer, we started marking the course and placing some of our basic signage throughout the course. This took us a couple of hours and we still have more to finish tomorrow. About 6 o'clock, we were told that we were done for the day and that it was time to head out to dinner to celebrate one of the full-time staff member's birthday, which was today! We went to this really cool grill that was right on the bay and our table overlooked the water as the sun set. It was really pretty and a great change in pace from our normal pizza and sandwich shops!

Now, back to the two most exciting parts of the week! First off, I learned that I will have all day Wednesday off and access to a car to do whatever I want! I found a cute shopping area tonight on our way back from dinner, so I think that I may try to head over there at some point and maybe see what kind of beach I can find around here to go walk down! I am really excited to have some time to just relax and be by myself...nothing like a little rest and relaxation! :) We also learned that we have the opportunity to attend the Player's Dinner on Wednesday night, which is a sit-down, formal dinner. One of the main guests at this dinner is Paula Creamer and there is a chance that Morgan Pressel may be coming as well! For those of you who don't follow golf, these are two of the best golfers in the LPGA and they were both former champions of Rolex Girls Junior Championship. I think that this will be one of the coolest opportunities of the summer and I absolutely can't wait!

Other than that, today was another hot day in Florida, but I can't complain too much - at least we are somewhere sunny and warm!

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