Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Team 3 is now 3 for 3!

Well...another tournament has come and gone...and we have spent another evening/afternoon packing our trailer in the rain! I don't think many other AJGA intern teams can say that they have packed the trailer in these conditions 3 weeks in a row....guess there is always a first for everything!

I am going to give you the short run down of the day as it is already after midnight here and we are hitting the road at 6:30!

Because of the rain out yesterday, today's schedule was a bit different than we are used to! First off, we started the day with a 9 AM shotgun...nearly unheard of from what we have experienced! In order to ensure that at least some golf was played and accounted for today, we played two stipulated 9-hole rounds. Basically, the girls played the whole back nine, while the boys played the front. After a short break (and a 30 minute rain delay), we switched places to play the final 9 holes. We were actually really lucky and we were able to finish all 18 holes of golf! It was a crazy day but I think that we all learned a lot...and after this week, I think that Team 3 can handle just about anything that is thrown at us!

Our goal was to start driving towards Atlanta tonight and get as far as Orlando. However, due to the rain and late start, we weren't able to reach that goal and we are staying in Weston for one more night!

Even though we were kind of disappointed about our long drive tomorrow, our TD decided to take us to this really cool restaurant right by the Ft. Lauderdale airport. It is called Jaxson's. The best way that I could describe it is a Cracker Barrel mixed with a country fair. They sell old-fashioned candy and all of the decorations are mid 1900s as well. The most important part is that all of their food is jumbo sized! The burgers are all half-pound, the hot dog was a half-pound, and the JUNIOR ice cream cone that people got was a quarter pound of ice cream! We were amazed by the size of the food...and basically unable to eat it all! I will make sure to get pictures up soon!

With that, I am headed to bed. It is going to be an early morning and a long day in the car! If anyone is bored, feel free to text me! haha I feel like I may need something to keep me entertained! lol

Also, quick note...I am going to be in private housing once again this week! I will try to update as often and as soon as I can throughout the week!

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