Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day By the Pool?! Ok!!

So today was my day off for the week and let's just say that I was more than ready for it!

I was able to sleep in until about 9:30 and then spent my morning surfing the internet and catching up on my blogging posts. Since Sydney and I were both off today, I took a nice walk to the golf course (while getting a chance to catch up with Krystal!!!) and picked up one of the trucks so that we could go grab some lunch before they needed the trucks the rest of the day.

You could say that grabbing lunch was an adventure and it wouldn't be an exaggeration! I definitely have not learned the roads around here yet and I drove in a couple of circles before actually finding the hotel and Sydney. However, I eventually found her and we were able to go grab some Chipotle to bring back with us to the pool.

We returned the truck to the golf course and were able to take the golf cart back to my host family's house. After a quick lunch and being randomly followed by a couple of Jared's (the high school boy in the family) friends, it was time to hit the pool!

I am not sure that either Sydney nor I remember most of the time we spent in the pool as napping was definitely the number one activity of the afternoon! We both spent some time in the pool sleeping and then I moved to this giant lounge chair while she moved to the hammock. Before I knew it, it was 5 o'clock!

Other than that, I have spent my day just hanging out with the family and Sydney - which has been a ton of fun! Sydney and I are currently waiting for the rest of the team to be done with work so that we can all go grab dinner. I can't wait to hit the course tomorrow for Round 1, but I will say that this has been the most relaxing day in quite a few it! :)

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