Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another Long Day in Florida!

Today was another long day at the course as we were on site for about 13-14 hours preparing for our first day of competition. I started off my morning by finishing the hole locations that Curt, Kyle and I started yesterday. After we had finished that up, Drew and I worked on stake and rope for most of the day. We started by staking the putting green, the scoring tents just off of holes 9 and 18, and then the starting tees on holes 1 and 10. This process took us most of the morning and then a couple of hours after lunch as well.

After lunch, I was sent on a run to get product – 50 cases of water, a case of bananas, and a case of apples – from WalMart. This task is really fun, but it is also a pain to fit that much water in the back of one pickup truck! Once I returned to our site for the week, we unloaded all of the water and then it was back to the stake and rope project for me. At this point, the stakes were finally dry enough that I was able to put the rope on, which I worked on for a couple of hours.

By the time this was all done, it was almost 6 pm and we still had a couple last minute tasks to finish so that we would be ready for our qualifier tomorrow morning. Drew and I spent the rest of that time putting up banners around the course while Kyle, Camille, and Sydney finished up stenciling and other small projects.

Once we were done with all of that, it was finally time for some dinner! We grabbed some dinner at the Carolina Ale House and then it was time to head back to my host house. Once I got home, I was able to play with their adorable puppy for a little bit and now I am headed off to bed! It has been a super long day, but I am definitely looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow since it is my day off this week! 

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