Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Team 3 is Officially 2 for 2!

Well, another tournament has come and gone! Tomorrow morning we head out for Weston, Florida and get ready to start our next tournament come Monday morning.

Today was the final round of the Rolex Girls Junior Championship at The Concession Golf Club here in Bradenton, Florida. This week was by far the fastest moving week that I have ever experienced and it is crazy to think about the number of people I have met and the experiences that I have had.

This morning, I had the pleasure of starting half of the field off of the 10th tee. This was really fun as these were the girls that I had gotten to know throughout the last week (and a couple over the last 2 weeks). We more than likely will not be seeing them again this summer, so it was a bittersweet moment for sure. However, the actual round went very well and, before I knew it, we were in the scoring tent! As the last groups trickled in, I learned that our leader shot a total of 18 under par through the 4 day event! This was an amazing feat and she broke many, many records along the way! While this was the main highlight of the day, there were still a couple of quick stories to share...

First, as you may have determined from the fact it was the final day, we had to pack up the trailer this afternoon. This is quite the task and can take us hours, especially when you consider the number of items that we must pull from the golf course as well. And,once again, Mother Nature decided to play games with Team 3. If you remember, last week we packed the trailer in about 3 hours as it was down pouring in monsoon-like fashion! I am pretty sure that we are the only team who can say that they have packed the trailer in the rain both weeks....what a great accomplishment! ;)

Today, it was absolutely beautiful outside....until we were just about to start break down on the back side..then this storm came out of nowhere and completely drenched everything - including me! This storm was actually bad enough that we were called inside and had to wait about 45 minutes until we were allowed to start packing outside again. This led to a major back-up and we ended up being at the course until just about 10 pm.

On the bright side of the rain delay, I met David Leadbetter in the cart barn at Concession. We were inside working on packing up some signage from the event and he just came up and introduced himself nonchalantly. It was really cool and I am sure our faces were priceless as we looked at each other trying to determine if it was really him! haha

But, it has definitely been a long day and I should probably finish my laundry/packing so that I can get some sleep tonight! Hope everyone is doing well and next time you hear from me, I will be in Weston, FL!!!

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