Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Me and My Best Friend "Mr. Water"

Today was the practice round for the Rolex Tournament of Champions. Normally, we have a shotgun and all of the players go out at one time to play their practice round. However, due to many circumstances, the players all teed off at tee times for their round today. The tee times started at 7:30 am and finally wrapped up at 12:50 pm. Needless to say, there were a lot of golfers one the course and it led to a long day for us as well!

This morning started when we headed out to the course about 5:30 (it was still pitch black outside) and headed on to the course to set everything up for the day. Kyle and I were in charge of checking all of the Rolex signage throughout the course. After that, we helped get some coolers out before enjoying a nice buffet breakfast before heading out on the course.

I headed out to the course about 7:30 am with a couple of cases of water and a bag of ice. That was just the beginning! I spent my entire day being a water rover and re-filling the 18 coolers on the course with ice and water. I wish I could even guess how much ice and water we went through today...I can guarantee you that it was more than you could ever imagine. Kiley and Kyle also had the same assignment, so we were able to split up the course into regions...which made everything a whole lot easier!

I finally put my last case of water back in the cart barn about 3:30 or so and it was weird to drive around without my trusty water cases the rest of the day! I will say that this is one of my favorite jobs though. I enjoy the fact that I get to interact with all of the players and parents throughout the is a great way to build relationships that will continue throughout the week - and summer!

Once I was done with water, Camille and I teamed up to breakdown the course as the last group completed each hole. We spent our time putting lids on sand buckets, filling divots on the tee boxes/in the fairways, picking up tee markers, and other random tasks.

As soon as that last group was off the course, we were done with breakdown and it was time to head to the host hotel to meet up with the rest of the team. Tonight was the players' opportunity to register and receive their tournament gifts. They received some really cool stuff and I will see if I can get any pictures linked to here in the near future. After their registration, there was a quick meeting and all that stood between us and going home was a quick staff meeting! We finally left the hotel about 9 pm or was definitely a long day and I am exhausted from being in the sun.

This week is going to be a long one in general, especially with the number of players in the field. I am scheduled to be done at 3 pm I am hoping that everything goes according to plan and that I can enjoy a couple of extra hours to relax! It is rare to have both a day off and a short day all in one week...I am going to take advantage of it this time!! :)

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