Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sit Back and Relax....

That is what I spent my entire day doing! :) Love it!!

Today was my day off for the week and I took full advantage of the fact that there are no beaches or large attractions within my travelling radius and spent the entire day getting stuff done and just hanging out.

I started off by sleeping until about 10:30 or so this morning - that is definitely the latest that I have slept all summer! Once I was up and done watching Dance Moms, I headed out to run some errands and pick up lunch. I basically spent the rest of my day just hanging out at my host family's house working on my computer, watching TV, and doing laundry/ironing/etc.

The best part of my day was definitely the fact that my host family invited our entire team over for dinner tonight. It is crazy to think that we have had two awesome, home-cooked meals (in houses) the last two nights! We are being spoiled (and enjoying every minute of it)! Everyone came over about 6:30 or so and everyone just left about 15 minutes ago or so (about 11 pm). It is so much fun to just hang out with everyone outside of work and enjoy talking, playing pool, and interacting with my host family.

In fact, Kiley, Camille, and I went on a tour of the local neighborhoods with the oldest child in my host family - Kayla. She was a great tour guide and pointed out a bunch of houses of celebrities that are nearby! Hopefully I will get some pictures up soon, but they were beautiful!

I am just getting back from quick trip to WalMart, and it is time for bed! The juniors start arriving for the tournament tomorrow and it is going to be one early morning (5 am to be exact)! Night all!

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