Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 June?! No way!

Well today was a nice breezy and cloudy day here in Weston! I am sure that the temperature was quite warm, but this was definitely the coldest I have been since we started travelling a couple of weeks ago!

Today was the first round of our tournament and I had my favorite morning assignment ever - setting the tees and checking hole locations! I love this assignment as I am set free on the course to just make sure that everything is in order before we start for the day! It is a great time to relax a bit and take in the scenery and sunrise in the peace and quiet! :)

After I finished my task, I finished up a few random things and then it was time to head out on the course with my 4 groups for the day! I had the first 4 groups of girls and I was actually pleasantly surprised by how well they kept up with the guys all day - I actually didn't have to give a red card!! Our time on the course was really uneventful and we were able to finish up the breakdown process before the social activity even began.

Our social activity for this week is known as SNAG Golf. Basically, there is a velcro suit and a bunch of tennis balls. The tennis balls stick to the velcro...meaning that the juniors had the opportunity to hit ""golf balls" at the AJGA staff members today! I was lucky enough to be taking the photos of the event...which was basically all of the fun without being hit at! haha I will say that Kyle, Jake and Curt were really good sports and let the juniors hit at them for about an hour or so! It was a great time and it was really fun to see all of the golfers having such a great time after the round as well! Definitely makes the long days on the course well worth it!

After SNAG golf was over, the communications staff members were the only ones that had anything left to finish. Luckily, we have a large headquarters this week, so the operations staff hung out in one room most of the afternoon....let's just say that we were all a little worn out and took full advantage of the is some proof that Kiley compiled:

Tonight, Camille and my host family was nice enough to have the entire team over for a nice pasta dinner! It was great to eat some different foods and actually sit down and eat together! After spending nearly 3 full weeks on the road, this was the closest we have gotten to a home cooked meal in a long while! Everyone ended up hanging out here for a couple of hours before they all took off for the hotel. It was definitely a long day...but it looks like tomorrow could be much longer! Everyone please think positive thoughts and push the rain away from us!! It was so nice to be done early today...and it would be awesome to be done just as early tomorrow! :)

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