Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Laundry, Packing, Cleaning..say what?!

Let's just start by saying that the two extra hours of sleep this morning were amazing!! Granted, that meant I stayed up later than I had been, but it was soooo nice to spend the evening talking to and catching up with people back in the central time zone! :)

When we finally arrived to HQ at 8 this morning, we jumped right into the day's activities! Our team started off by packing up our trailer with all of the equipment that we will need for the next 10 weeks. This was absolutely crazy....I don't even know how we fit all of that stuff in one 16-foot trailer! I am sure that when we try to pack this up again next week it will be quite an interesting experience...

After we finished packing up the trailers, we all sat down and listened to a couple different departments of the AJGA talk about what they do for the organization and how we can help them while we are out on the road. We were then able to eat lunch with people from various departments and get to know them even better!

After lunch, my team went through CPR training. This was quite easy as I have completed it multiple times, but it is nice to know that my certification is renewed and ready to go for this upcoming year! This was also an interesting time as my partner, Camille, is apparently extremely ticklish. I couldn't even pretend to roll her on her side without her curling up in a ball. Although, I should give Camille a big shout today...she saved my life twice during CPR training! Wouldn't be here without her! ;)

After CPR, we were able to come back to HQ and hang out/clean the basement and complete random odd jobs that needed to be done. I spent some time moving sand bags, trying on free golf shoes - none were my size :( - and taking apart some random, old wooden frames. While all of this was going on, we also went out and practiced driving with the full trailer one more time before we hit the road in the morning! It was great to get out on the highway one more time, and I definitely feel comfortable with the fact that we are hitting the road and driving 6+ hours tomorrow!

After all of that fun, we grabbed a quick dinner and then we were able to leave for the evening (before 6:30 even)! Since then we have all been trying to pack and squeeze everything into our suitcases. But, with that, we are off to the laundromat to wash our last couple of loads before our first tournament this weekend! Knowing our team, I am sure that there will be great stories to share by tomorrow evening!!

I can't believe that our 9 days here at the AJGA HQ are already over... :( Next time I talk to y'all...I will be in Alabama! :)

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