Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Juniors are Here!

Wow! It has been a long and busy day today!

Today was the day of the practice round for what will be our first AJGA Tournament event! This weekend, we are all in Braselton (next to AJGA Headquarters) running a tournament for the newest members of the AJGA organization! This weekend is just a small taste of what we will be doing for the next 10 weeks!

We began our work today earlier than any other day that we have been here. We started by completing all of the set-up tasks that we have been practicing all week! This was a blur of setting up tents, placing tee markers, checking holos (hole locations), and other general set-up tasks. The best part was that we got to spend this time with Curt, who is an honorary member of Team 3 (as we will see him A LOT over the summer :D)! Then the operations interns headed out on the golf course to review a couple of basic rulings and radio etiquette and procedure when calling over the radio for the senior rules official. We were able to experiment with a lot of different situations. I am amazed at how much I have learned about the rules  over just a few days! Here is a picture of the crew when we got back from setting up the course:

After this activity, all of the interns completed "cross-training." During this activity, the communications interns went out to the course to learn more about rules officiating, hole locations, stenciling, and other tasks that they may be asked to complete on the course. The operations interns were allowed to go play Minesweeper and sit on Facebook like the communications interns do all day....just kidding! haha We learned how to insert scores into the InfoStat program, complete equipment surveys for the players, and other miscellaneous items that we can do to help the communications interns complete their work more quickly after the rounds are over. 

After this, we grabbed some Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then headed back out on the course to interact with some junior golfers and learn even more about the course. We rotated through three different stations where we learned more about course rulings, the markings that had been placed on the course (and the method behind the placements), and finally about Junior-Ams and Qualifiers. The afternoon was filled with a ton of fun activities and it was a blast to be out on the course!

After this, we all grabbed a quick bite to eat and stuffed the gift bags that the players would receive at the Player Registration/Meeting this evening. After all of that work was done, we had a quick staff meeting and then it was off to the hotel to meet with all of the juniors and their parents. Below is a picture of Team 3 at our first Player Registration with the awesome table display that we made! It was a ton of fun to interact with the juniors (if I haven't said that enough...) and I am definitely looking forward to being on the course with them tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the earliest morning of the experience to date and I have a feeling that 4:45 is going to come around all too quickly! So with that, I am off to bed! 

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