Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Little Bit of Driving and Working....And a Whole Lot of Eating!

Today was our last "short" travel day of the summer!

We started out from Kansas City this morning about 8 am and arrived in Springfield, Missouri just before lunchtime. Once we arrived, we took a quick tour of headquarters and then headed to Jimmy Johns for a "quick" lunch before starting to unpack the trailer and set up the course for the week.

After we returned from lunch, I headed to the airport to pick up our Assistant Tournament Director for the week - who we have also worked with 2 other times this summer. It was great to catch up with him a bit as we drove back and hear about the most recent tournament he was a part of. Once we returned to the course, it was down to work! Three of the girls had left to pick up some courtesy cars that we will get to use throughout the week...but they returned shortly after I did.

Our goal today was to move all of the hazard and out of bounds stakes onto the lines that our Tournament Director had painted on the course. This may sounds like a really easy task, but when you are trying to pound PVC pipe into ground that hasn't had rain in over 50-some odd days.....things can get interesting! After spending a couple of hours driving around the golf course with Drew and checking out of bounds stakes, it was time to call it a day and head to dinner.

We went to Famous Dave's tonight and I can honestly say that I ate way more than I ever should! haha My meal included 4 BBQ ribs, BBQ pulled pork, corn on the cob, cornbread, and chips. While I couldn't quite finish it was REALLY good!! Something I will definitely have to eat again! :)

Other than that, we got all checked into our hotel tonight and I completed my to-do list before my day off even started! :) The plan for tomorrow is a whole lot of sleeping, watching the Olympics, working out, and maybe hitting some golf balls! Looking forward to a little relaxation time and then it will be time to hit the ground running on Sunday! Night all!

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