Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Qualifier Time!

Today was a somewhat unusual day for Team 3. First off, it was only the 2nd or 3rd Sunday that we have hosted an event on a Sunday. I am pretty sure that this is due to the fact we have had tournaments run through Friday a couple of times and that has shifted our schedule a bit. Also, we were able to sleep in today! We didn't have to be at the course until 11 this morning, so that was definitely a nice reprieve from the early mornings we have had recently!

We arrived at the course at 11 and began to set up for our qualifier today. This course is a different one than we will be using for the rest of the week, so that meant we had a  little extra work to do both before and after the event. The qualifier was a shotgun at 1:30 this afternoon and play finally wrapped up about 6 or a little after. Not too shabby! 

In typical Team 3 fashion though, we had a playoff! As that was occurring, we began breaking down the entire course and packing everything back into the trailer to take over to the course we will be at for the rest of the week. After everything was wrapped up at the qualifier course, it was about 8:30 pm or so...what I would call a late night!

But wait....we still had some work to get done at the tournament site to prepare for tomorrow's practice round and Junior-Am. We stopped by Arby's quickly and grabbed dinner before getting back to work. We arrived on site about 9 and needed to unpack all of the coolers, the product, the sand bottles, and our Ops trunk. In addition, we filled about 100 bottles with sand in order to give them to the juniors as they arrive about 7 or earlier tomorrow morning! 

Luckily, we were able to knock out all of those tasks and have a staff meeting in virtually no time at all! We were on the road home about 10:30 and now that my clothes are ironed and everything is ready for tomorrow, I am off to bed! I have a feeling that 4:55 alarm is going to come waaaaayyyyy too quickly!!! Night! :)

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