Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rest and Relaxation

I think that today was the first time that I actually pulled through with doing a whole lot of nothing on my day off! :) 

This morning began at a lovely 10 am. After picking up Kiley and doing a little rearranging of vehicles, I was off to California Pizza Kitchen with Melissa, Aaron, Lindsey, and Riley! I have learned to love the coincidences that come along with travelling throughout the country. By the luck of the draw, this was the second time that I was able to see Melissa this summer....that is a record by a long shot!! And, it was so nice to hang out with such a good friend (and her friends) while out on the road! Thank you guys for allowing me to join in on your vacation.....I had a blast and I hope that it can happen again sometime! :) 

After lunch, and rearranging cars once again, I headed back to the house and decided that today was my day to watch some TV, catch up on my to-do list, and enjoy some air conditioning! It was great to just sit and relax and my to-do list has officially been accomplished! Can't believe how close I am to heading back to school and everything that is associated with it! These last two tournaments are going to fly by - only 2 more days off this summer! Holey Moley!!

Hope everyone else had a great day and was able to avoid the crazy heat as much as possible! Night!

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