Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Where Has Time Gone?

Wow! Another tournament has come and gone and it is hard to believe that it is already the first full week in July! It seems like just yesterday that we hit the road, yet we only have five more tournaments left before the summer is over!!!

As for today, it started out just like every other one this week. We headed to the golf course about 6:15 or so and then began our morning assignments. Before long, we could see the clouds rolling in and, sure enough, the rain hit hard! We ended up delaying this mornings tee times by 2 hours - making for a late start and an even later night! Luckily, the morning tee times went smoothly and we only had to the delay the afternoon start times by 1 hour and 45 minutes. Those 15 minutes may not seem like much, but we didn't finish our rounds until almost 7:45 as it was!

I had the opportunity to follow some of the leader boys this afternoon and it was so much fun to watch them come in and make the final push during their last few holes. It ended up that one of the juniors in my last group finished one behind the leader and shot 3 under for the tournament. It is amazing how good these golfers are and I will never get bored of watching them play!

On a completely random side note, I ran into one of the golf coaches that I see quite often at my meets today! The Ashford coach was there recruiting a player in one of my groups and he recognized me before I was able to place him! Funny how it is such a small world - especially in the golf industry!

After the round was over, we still had to break down the course and pack the trailer before we were done for the day. Amazingly, we were able to get the course torn down and all of the operations equipment in the trailer by 9:30 and the communications equipment came not too long after! We were able to leave the course by 10:30 and then it was time to head back and pack up for tomorrow!

Camille, Kyle and I head back to Columbus tomorrow morning, when our flight leaves Traverse City at 11:45 am. I believe that we are expected to land in Columbus about 3 or a little after, so I am interested to see what we will do when we arrive! Similarly to before, we will be making a pit stop in Detroit, making for a two flight extravaganza!

With that, I had better head to bed! We are leaving bright and early for our hour and a half drive to Traverse City in the morning. Hope everything is going well! Miss you all!!! :)

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