Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Well.....Just Another Travel Day!

I am writing this as we are sitting in the Columbus Airport waiting for a ride back to the hotel. We flew from Traverse City to Detroit this morning and then finished out our journey with a quick 30 minute flight to Columbus, Ohio. When we arrived at the airport, we gathered all of luggage, called our shuttle, and headed outside to meet our shuttle back to the hotel. Easy right?!

Well, if you haven't caught on, Team 3 seems to have plenty of difficulties on travel days and today was no exception!

First off, we walked out of the airport to be greeted by temperatures over 100 (it was in the 80s in Michigan)...not fun! We ended up sitting outside for somewhere between 1-1.5 hours. In that time, we got a kick out of seeing how many times different hotels drove by - let's just say that it was A LOT! After just under an hour of waiting, we called the hotel to see if they had any updates and we were told that they should arrive any minute. After Camille pressed them for a more specific answer, we learned that they couldn't get in contact with the shuttle driver and had no idea where he was.

It was time to take matters into our own hands! At this point we were all quite giddy and more than ready to get out of the heat! Camille was even yelling "Go Giants!" at people across the street who were wearing San Francisco shirts....yeah, we lost all inhibitions. We were told by our Tournament Director that if no one had come to pick us up by 4:30 then he would send one of our teammates to get us instead. Needless to say, we were counting down the minutes until 4:30 and we could go back inside to the air conditioning and enjoy ourselves while we were waiting.

Minutes before 4:30 came, my favorite part of the afternoon occurred. Camille looked down next to the bench that we had been sitting at for nearly 45 minutes and found five dollars. FOR REAL! She found $5....who can actually say that at the end of a story and it be true?! haha

Well, that is about our excitement for the day. Camille, Kyle and I are just hanging out at baggage claim watching a Red Bull Production of Extreme Snowboarding...pretty darn cool!! :)

Hopefully our ride will be coming very soon and it will be time to head back to the hotel, go out and grab some dinner, and then head off to meet my host family for the week! It is crazy to think that we are starting the second half of our summer tomorrow and that the next time I am in an airport, it will be time to head back to Chicago! Only a short 5 weeks left...enjoy the rest of summer everyone! It is definitely going by quickly!!

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