Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

We Made It!!

We were off and running today for another long day of travelling starting with breakfast at 6:30!

We then started our 2 hour drive from Cincinnati to Columbus with a nice thunderstorm and a whole lot of rain! The drive was rather uneventful and we arrived to the golf course that we will be working at next week about 9 am. We quickly dropped our trailer and moved around some luggage and equipment so that we could fit all of the people and luggage into our two trucks. I am pretty sure that we completed this task in record time and before we knew it we were headed to the hotel where we will be staying next week.

When we got here, we gathered our luggage and parked the trailer for the rest of the week. The hotel was kind enough to let us leave our stuff until we return. We then took the hotel shuttle to the airport and began the process of checking 8 people in for 3 different flights. It was actually quite simple and we were headed into the security lines by 10:30 or so. Due to the smaller size of the airport, we were able to make it through security rather quickly and headed for our gates.

Conveniently, both the individuals going to Rochester and Boyne this week were on the same flight to Detroit. At this point we grabbed an early lunch with those that were going to Arkansas and said our first set of goodbyes. It is crazy to think that the people we have spent every moment with over the last 5 weeks are not going to be around for the next couple of days....I am sure we will all be super excited to see each other come Thursday/Friday. Myself, Camille, Kyle, Brunie, and Jake all hung out in the airport for another hour or so before it was time to board our flight. Our first flight was only 30 minutes long but had plenty of turbulence to last a lifetime!

After we landed in Detroit, we all went and hung out at Kyle, Camille, and my gate for a bit before we left. We then had to say goodbye to the last of our teammates and we headed for Traverse City! This flight was a much longer 45 minutes....shorter than the layover earlier in the day. While we were on the plane, we learned that we were randomly seated next to one of the juniors playing in the tournament this week. Kyle spent most of the flight talking with the junior and by the end of the trip, we had another passenger for our shuttle back to the resort. We were picked up by one of the individuals on the team here in Boyne and we started the 1.5-2 hour drive to the resort. The scenery was absolutely beautiful as we followed the shore of Lake Michigan the entire time. It was great to see some water and trees once again....I love being back in the Midwest!! :)

When we got to the resort, we checked into our rooms, grabbed some dinner in the grill and then headed out to explore the property a bit. We ended up walking about 4ish miles as we explored and it was definitely a good workout! We found out some information about the area and we are all looking forward to exploring even more offsite during our day off tomorrow!

I have put up some pictures now, but I hope to take even more tomorrow and get those up as soon as I can! Goodnight from Michigan!! :)

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