Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Early Night...and Late Morning!

Hey there!

So today was the first round of the Memorial Junior presented by Border Energy here in Columbus, Ohio!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside and I don't think that we could have asked for a better day! I started off my morning by placing some signage and then helping Kyle with the fruit coolers, product coolers and the placement of a couple other food products.

As Kyle finished up with this project, I headed out on the course to follow my four groups of girls for the day. I finished up my rules officiating part of the day just after noon and then worked the scoring tent until just before 4. As crazy as that sounds, it is one of my favorite parts of the event! In the scoring tent, I am able to talk to all of the juniors and act as that buffer as they walk off of the course. I see just about every emotion in that tent, but it is awesome to see how just a short conversation and a little bit of fun with announcements and thank you notes can change an attitude in less than 5 minutes! I can't say that every junior is like that, but I enjoy talking to each of them just the same!

When I left the scoring tent, I headed to Columbus Airport to drop off the Midwest Regional Director as he is leaving us the rest of the week. It was great to get to know him during the last two events and I am sure that he will be greatly missed at the course the next two days!

When I arrived back at the course, it was time to grab some dinner as we had the Player/Parent cookout tonight at the course. After dinner, we worked on organizing and cleaning up Headquarters before we called it an early night! It was so nice to be home about 8 and have some time to catch up on e-mails, projects, and other miscellaneous tasks that have been piling up! Other than that, it has been a great day - and it is about to be an awesome morning! I get to sleep in 3 extra hours!!! :)

Hope everyone has a great night!

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