Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Another One Down?!

Well, with that....our time in Kansas City is over....

Hard to believe that at this time in just two short weeks we will be preparing for our journey from Colorado back to Atlanta....and then the summer will be over! This has been quite the experience and I am looking forward to making the best of the next two weeks!

As for today, we had quite the turn around in both the girls and boys divisions. There were some awesome scores posted and it was a pleasure to watch these amazing juniors finish out their tournament. In other important news, we were able to pack up the trailer in record time once again and we were ready to leave the course about 5 or so this afternoon....that's pretty darn successful!! :)

After we left the course, Camille and I headed back to our house and cleaned up a bit before we went to grab some dinner. It was nice to just sit down and chat and not worry about having to converse with 10 other people as well. After dinner, it turned into quite the crazy night. Long story short, we ended up driving around for quite awhile trying to run a couple of errands and meet up with the team once again. And, with that, it is off to bed! Tomorrow's greeting will be coming from Springfield, Missouri! Talk to you then!

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