Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Played Golf!

Today was my day off for the week and it was a great one!

I started off by sleeping/laying in bed until noon....sooooo needed after our travel experiences! Once I was up and going, I headed off to Panera for a couple of hours to enjoy some food and work on my project that is due tomorrow and my reflection for school.

The best part of the day came about 3 this afternoon. My host family offered to take me over to their golf course to hit some balls! This is the first time that I have touched clubs all summer and it felt great! There were definitely some interesting shots, but overall I was pretty pleased with how it went. After hitting, I decided to go drive by Rosenblatt Stadium and the Omaha Zoo to get some pictures since it was too hot out to actually go enjoy the sites!

Once my host family was done playing in the Parent/Child Golf Tourney at their course this afternoon, I went back to join them for dinner. It was a great meal and a ton of fun to see how big of a junior golf program they have there. I was told that they have over 200 juniors participating all summer...starting with their 101 level at age 5 all the way to 301 (which goes through high school).

There wasn't too many overly exciting moments today...but it was a great day off! Hard to believe that I will only have 3 more of these before I head home! Everything is getting to the point where I can count down...and that is a scary thought! Can't wait to see everyone soon!! Night! :)

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