Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another Week....

has already gone by! Who would have thunk it?!

Today was the final round of our tournament here in Nebraska and it is hard to believe that we only have 3 more of these left before the summer is over!!

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to set the front 9 of the golf course this morning and enjoy the beautiful scenery one last time...even if it already felt like it was over 100 degrees! I was able to get some really cool pictures, so I will try to get those posted as soon as possible. After setting the course, I was lucky enough to follow the leader girls today. It was a struggle as you could tell that the girls were exhausted due to the crazy terrain on the course, but they were able to power through and we had quite the finish!

Both the boys' and girls' champions were crowned after getting a birdie on 18....there were some tears in the scoring tent, but each and everyone of those players had something to be mighty proud of! This was a tough course and some great competition!!!

After the round was over, we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening packing the trailer and getting everything ready for next week. We packed that trailer in record time and I can tell that we are finally figuring out a system...too bad we only have to do this 3 more times! haha

After packing, our Tournament Chairman for the week (and his family) invited us to dinner at Champions Run, where he is the Director of Golf. This course will be hosting the's Cox Classic next week and it was cool to see what they are already doing to prepare! Dinner was AMAZING as we had all you could eat salad bar, prime rib, veggies, baked potatoes, and a dessert bar.....definitely one of the best meals of the summer!! :)

Other than that, it is time to pack and head to bed! Next time you hear from me I will be back in good 'ole Kansas!!!! :)

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