Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th?! Go Figure!

So clearly this didn't post correctly last night....let's try this again!

Today was quite the interesting day, and clearly lived up to its potential seeing as it is Friday the 13th. I don't normally think anything of it, but it was definitely Team 3's most unlucky day of the summer!

We started off about 30-40 minutes late from Columbus this morning due to a couple of incidents and miscommunication along the way. When we got on the road, we were making great progress and moving through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois smoothly. It was really fun to drive through downtown of a couple big cities that I have never been to. We passed through Columbus, Indianapolis, Champaign, Bloomington, Des Moines, and even more I believe in just one day - not to mention we were in 4 states as well!

In addition to the cool cities, I was lucky enough that our path through Illinois took us through the Quad Cities and I was able to see my family when we stopped to fill up the trucks with gas! :) It was great to see them and I can't wait to get back so that I can actually try to spend time with them instead of just saying 'hi' in the gas station parking lot. Maddie was also awesome enough to bake us cupcakes (some chocolate with caramel drizzle and then some blue/lime green/purple tie dye ones) and bring them along so that we had some snacks in the car.

We hit the road from there with about 5 hours left to drive. We knew that we would come close to making it to the hotel before our curfew, so we called to get permission to drive just a bit longer tonight. Little did we know that timing would be the least of our worries!

I started off this leg of the trip driving Tank, the second truck in our caravan today. Less than 30 minutes from our stop in Davenport, I noticed that something wasn't looking right on the trailer. Kiley and I were looking at the trailer before we realized that the right side of the trailer appeared to be a lot lower than the left. It dawned on us that the tires were flat and we called the boys to pull over. Just as they started to pull over on the shoulder, one of the tires popped and smoke started coming from the tire/trailer. Luckily, Jake was able to get the trailer on the side of the road and we assessed the situation. Unfortunately, both of the tires on the right side of the trailer were done for as the second tire had a nail in it and was losing air quickly.

After spending quite some time on the phone, we ended up changing the tires ourselves and were quite successful actually! This was definitely a bonding experience and taught us all how important it is to leave any disagreements behind when it comes to dealing with crazy situations!

We ended up spend just over an hour on the side of the road and at a gas station trying to make sure that all of our tires were at the right pressure. When we finally got back on the road, we knew that we were going to have to move quickly if we were going to make it to Omaha on time - or even tonight at all. Long story short, we didn't make it to Omaha tonight and we are currently spending the night at a hotel in Walnut, IA. I have heard that we are just over an hour from the hotel right now and we are leaving at 7 in the morning to go the rest of the way. Hopefully everything will go well tomorrow, but I am exhausted....Have a great night! :)

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