Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Absolutely Nothing! :)

I learned last night that my first day in Ohio would be my day off for the week! That seems to be an ongoing trend these days, and I am becoming more and more ok with it!

I was really hoping to make it to the Columbus Zoo while I am here, but seeing as it was 104 out today, there was no way that was going to happen! Instead, I spent my entire morning sleeping and laying in bed watching TV. I think that this is the first day that I have actually used my day off to relax and do absolutely was AWESOME! :)

Once I finally got up and going, I headed to Panera to grab some lunch and get caught up on my Facebook/Blogging extravaganza for the summer. It was nice to get out and see "real" people in "real" places. I also went to WalMart to pick up some things and a cute fro-yo place not too far called Menchies. 

When I got back to the house, I turned on the US Women's Open to check out the remaining AJGA juniors who are participating this week. I was also hoping to see some of the members of Team 2, as they were enjoying a day on the golf course in Wisconsin! I wasn't able to see any of them, but I did get a nice 2-3 hour nap in, as well as catch part of the Cubs game. I am pretty sure that this is the first baseball game that I have watched more than one or two pitches the entire summer...absolutely crazy!

Once I woke up, it was time to go eat again! This time, I found a Culver's! I am pretty sure that this is the first one that I have seen since I left IL in May! I didn't realize how localized of a chain it is, but their chicken tenders were just as good tonight as I remembered! :) 

Once I got back to the house once again, I was able to catch up a bit more on some TV shows and then was lucky enough to receive a Skype call from some pretty awesome girls!! I spent the next 2 hours catching up with Katie and Amy and all of the drama from the summer! It is nice to be back on the "inside" of the secrets -- you two know what I mean! ;) This conversation made me even more excited to be back in just a couple of weeks! 

It was nice catching up with people throughout the day today...that little sense of normalcy has definitely kept me going throughout the summer! With that, I am off to bed!I don't have to be at work until 11 tomorrow, but I am excited to take advantage of a little extra sleep! Night all! :)

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