Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Here's the Secret....

So today was the second round of our tournament this week and it was a scorcher out there once again! These crazy temperatures have made for some long days outside, yet they have been some of our shortest days this summer! For the second day in a row, we have left the course before 4:30...kinda nice to have our "chill" tournaments at the end of the summer!

But you might ask, "why are you able to get out of there so much earlier than the other weeks?" I have to be honest and give some of the credit to the awesome staff at Mission Hills Country Club. We have worked with GREAT staffs all summer, but this one has done more than I could ever imagine for us. I think some of their enthusiasm and willingness to help out could be based upon the fact that they are bored as their regular members are not playing due to our tournament. But still, the cart staff and golf shop staff have gone out of their way to make our job as easy as possible!

Here are a couple of examples from today alone....

  • We have had a bunch of loose water bottles in the bed of our truck for a couple of days as they were left over from the qualifier and we just didn't have the opportunity to get them out/use them yet. The same goes for a bunch of Gatorade that we were going to use today. The cart staff not only boxed up the product for us, but also brought it to the cart barn and organized it by color for us!
  • This same product needed to be added to all of the coolers this afternoon in order to prep for tomorrow's round. Before we even had a chance to start prepping the coolers, the cart staff had placed all of the product in the coolers and ready to go for tomorrow!
  • During this same time, we were working to break down both the scoring and starting tents out on the course. I brought in a cart that was FULL of stuff that needed to be unloaded and put away before I could head back out. I pulled into the cart barn as we are storing most of our equipment there this week and, before I could even get out of my cart, they unloaded everything and started putting it away in all of the correct places! haha
  • The final example is in two parts. But one of the break down tasks is to place a massive piece of plastic over the scoreboard so that none of the papers get wet due to humidity, dew, rain, etc. Drew was working to put this up and here walks up one of the staff members who proceeded to help him and learn more about what we do and how they can help tomorrow! At this same time, another member of the MHCC staff was preparing our standards that will display the scores in our final four groups tomorrow. 
Whether it was boredom or anything else that encouraged them to help us this much....we appreciate it! It makes for such a fun week when we can work so closely with the other staff members and have a chance to interact with those who work at the club that we are "overtaking" for a week! 

The moral of this story is that we couldn't do it alone! The number of volunteers that we have had this summer is completely mind-blowing and we owe a whole lot of our success to them....and because we can never say it enough....THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us in any way this summer - timing stations, water roving, housing staff members, spotting, shuttling, you name it...they have done it! And we couldn't have done it without them!! :) 

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