Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 6 --> All Wrapped Up!


Today was a looong day! It was the final round of our tournament this week and our last day in Ohio. I can honestly say that it felt like we just got here yesterday and I am scared for how fast the rest of this summer is going to go!

Just like many other final rounds this summer, the day went by quickly but was full of activity and craziness! I started off my morning by putting out coolers with Drew and then heading out to follow my groups for the day. Since I had some of the earlier groups, I was able to start breaking down the course and finishing up some odd jobs while some of my other team members were still on the course. Once again, Team 3 had a playoff today for 1st - this time in the Girls' Division. Once the playoff was over, it was go time!

It wasn't long after that last putt dropped that the Awards Ceremony was over and we were packing the trailer at full speed! The operations side of everything was done about 6:30 or so, but we had to wait for the communication girls to finish everything up before we could finalize the trailer and head out for the night. We ended up leaving about 9:45 or 10 and headed out to grab some dinner. To no surprise, there are virtually zero restaurants open at 10 pm, especially ones that are not fast food! We ended up finding a place that was open, grabbed a quick bite, and then said our goodbyes to our TD and Assistant for the week.

I have spent the last few hours trying to get everything packed up and ready to go as we are hitting the road in just about 6 hours! Guess I had better head to bed as we have another long day in front of us tomorrow! Our drive from Columbus, Ohio to Omaha, Nebraska is going to be quite the adventure! Stay tuned tomorrow - I am sure there will be some good stories from our day! lol

Goodnight from Ohio! :)

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