Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Short Day!

Today was the second round and it started off awesomely as I was able to sleep in about 3 extra hours! :) I haven't been feeling the greatest this week (a mixture of allergies and a cold) and the results of that extra sleep were more than I could have imagined! I am feeling a whole lot better and I hope that it continues to get even better over the next day or so.

I spent basically the entire time that I was at the golf course following my groups and rules officiating. I helped with coolers and a couple of other random tasks when I arrived, but it was basically me and my golf cart today! Not to mention, the weather was absolutely gorgeous with blue skies, a warm sun (about 80+ degrees), and very little wind.

When we were done for the day, we spent some time prepping for trailer packing tomorrow and the final round tomorrow. All in all, we were able to leave the golf course about 6:30 with everything done and only one day remaining in Ohio.

We headed back to the hotel, where we had a great complimentary meal!! The food was really good and there were a lot of choices that we have not had this summer. I had some really good pork chops, along with asparagus and potatoes...definitely a great meal! After dinner, Kiley, Camille, Sydney, Curt (our TD) and I went to check out a local ice cream shop that we have been driving past every day. The others had some great looking ice cream and it was a ton of fun just hanging out for a bit! I am off to bed now, as we have an early morning tomorrow and a really busy day! Hard to believe that I will be headed back to Central Time Zone on Friday....its going to feel like home! haha

Hope everyone has a great night!! :)

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