Follow my adventures as I travel across the country visiting golf courses in 9 different states over the next 12 weeks!! This adventure with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) will be fast-paced, exciting, rewarding, and full of interesting stories everyday!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Well Then...

So today was 'Big Monday' - one of the more hectic days in the AJGA schedule. We had a Junior-Am this morning, a practice round this afternoon, and then wrapped up the day with Player Registration and Player/Parent meetings this evening. It was a long day as we left the hotel at 5:40 this morning and then got back about 10 tonight, after grabbing a great dinner!

Even with all of that, I am comfortable saying that this was one of the most enjoyable and fun days that I have experienced this summer! I can't pinpoint why I say that as most of them have been absolutely amazing...but I am going to venture and say that it was due to the impressive teamwork that occurred throughout the day. We were able to knock out some tasks in mere minutes that would have taken us over an hour just a couple of weeks ago. It is amazing to see how far we have come, and I think that makes this last week and a half that much more special.

In addition, dinner tonight was a hoot and it was great to just sit and laugh at complete ridiculousness after a long day on the course. I am beginning to realize how much I am going to miss everyone when the summer is over. It is hard to believe that there are just 4 short days left with Brunie and SydMack before they head home, and just another week or so with everyone else. I can honestly say that each of my teammates have taught me a whole lot about myself...crazy what one summer of 12 weeks can teach you!

With that, it is off to bed to prepare for another hot day tomorrow! I get to start the players off of the first tee...better rest up before trying to tackle some of these pronunciations! :)

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